Why Handmade? Because it comes from the heart not a factory.
Finding beauty in the every day
I am a gemini (last I checked). I went to school to become a famous publicist but after a few years of great fun in the wildness which is the record business (with the likes of Cheap Trick, Skid Row, Debbie Gibson, Marc Anthony etc.) I gave it up to move West to Portland, Oregon where I could again have… View Post
Emele Photography – Beauty in Nature
Handmade is supporting the artists, like you, and not the big companies who mass-produce items in China. I would love to buy more handmade items but so far I haven’t won the lottery… I do my best though!
Polaroid Decontruction meets Digital Love
Holly, it was truly a pleasure reading through your submission. After I finished making your featured crafter profile all pretty, I mosey-ed on over to the site you’ve set up for your daughter, Caleigh, at Caleigh’s Corner. I truly enjoyed reading all about your beautiful daughter. I sat here for awhile trying to find the words to describe your amazing… View Post
Cute, Fun, Playful Photography
April is a coffee-addicted lover of pumpkins with a knack for photography. Here’s an insider tip from one pumpkin spice latte lover to another – Starbucks will actually make this drink for you any time of year as long as they have the syrup (which they usually do). You’re welcome : )
Photographs of Complementary Juxtaposition
Philadelphia area artist Stephanie Ricci shares her craft with us, and discusses her preferences for the imperfect. Be sure to click on each of the images to see their full detail. ” Every true artist has been inspired more by the beauty of lines and color and the relationships between them, than by the concrete subject of the picture.” –… View Post