We make giant puppets to celebrate community events and celbrations and support environmental and social causes.
Upatree Arts
We make Giant Puppets.
The Puppets are BIG-up to 6 metres tall- 19 metres long.
We run community art workshops to provide regional community members with creative art experience.
We love all art.
What got you started crafting?
Superior Concept Monsters and Giant Puppets in the New York Halloween parade were inspirations.
What is your source of inspiration?
Life, death, celebration, community and nature
What have you made recently?
We have recently embarked on a project to build four new Giant puppets- A 19-metre Rainbow Serpent Dragon, a 5-metre tall white Egret, a 5-metre tall black Cockatoo and 5-metre tall owl. As part of this project we have hand drawn designs that we printed onto the giant puppet costumes. we have then taken these images and also printed them on bags, t-shirts and tea towels.
The antique key and lock images will feature on the Giant owl and symbolise incarceration and freedon, the day of the dead images will feature on the black cockatoo puppet that symbolises the celebration of death.
Where do you sell your crafts presently?
Local Markets and Festivals
Why are handmade crafts important to you?
Hand made is an important journey for both artist and customer. For customers it is the chance to both support and delight in unique art pieces that are not factory produced. In turn, artists are able to have their creations.
Find Me
LocationSouth East Queensland
Email Address
Upatree Arts
Personal Website
Store Website