I spent this past weekend in Phoenix, AZ nerding it up at a web developers conference. Much to my surprise (and delight) I sat down at my laptop this afternoon after the 6 hour drive home, and have found that Heart Handmade Blog has been mentioned on Etsy! Many thanks to Lisa of The Energy Shop for letting other crafters know about the featured crafter opportunities that exist here on HHB.
I am really looking forward to diving in and sifting through all of the entries; looks like there is a lot of great talent waiting for their day to shine! Please be patient with me – I do read every single submission and create a unique post for each of you. It’s probably going to take me a bit to get through all of this greatness, so hang tight for the next month or two for your turn in the featured crafter spotlight.
In the meantime, please make yourself comfortable and browse some of the past crafters, here are a few of my favorites: