My motto is Music from a Keyless Piano. My desk is the skeleton of a piano – no keys but it still makes music and functions well. It is a handmade treasure.
Fairytales Magic Dream Gothic Vampires
I wanted to do something else besides reading economics at my university! One day I found a clay item I did when I was 6 at school… and here I am.
Bold Design with a Pop of Color
Today’s featured handmade crafter prefers pottery. Known simply as “cinderelish” on the web, she reads over 400 blogs dedicated to the craft. It wasn’t exactly love at first sight for Cindy, she’d been through her fair share of crafts including basket weaving, knitting, painting, sewing, even paper mache, before clay drew her in. Floral, funky and fired, her designs are… View Post
Hand Thrown Functional Pottery
Victoria Baker, today’s featured crafter, loves growing and eating my own vegetables. She also thinks birds should have tiny hands because it would make life easier for them. All we know is that your hands must be perfect, because the pottery you create is absolutely stunning. Thanks for sharing your art with us!