Like many artists, my mind is literally always reeling. I am constantly bombarded with thoughts and ideas for a new piece. Though it may seem counterproductive, coffee actually seems to slow the incoming ideas, though I sometimes wonder if they just get shoved out of the way so quickly that they simply become intangible.
Art for Happiness and Home
I’ve always been creative, I don’t remember a specific time when I started being creative. I started painting a couple of years ago as an outlet from my day job and a way of dealing with the frustration that builds up when you’re a creative person feeling trapped behind the grey office walls day after day!
Mystical Asian Painting, Textured and Colorful
My source of inspiration comes from the beautiful colors and patterns around me. Where I stay in Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia is a UNESCO heritage site. We live in a multi-cultural community – Malay, Chinese and Indians have been living together harmonically. In Georgetown you could easily walk pass an Islam mosque, Chinese temple, hindu temple and other churches on the… View Post
Create a Bit of Everything
Well Claire, you may think your story is boring, but we love the art that has come out of it! Keep up the hand crafted goodness, and give the ladybugs a break every once in awhile.