I make a range of unique, high-end accessories for newborns to adults!
Krystin Schambach
1. I got married when I was 18 - I would do it again in a second if I had to do it over again.
2. We were transferred overseas (for my husband's company to Belgium where we lived for 2 years - I learned French (sort-of).
3. I love candy (and sometimes . . . maybe . . . swipe some from my kids when they aren't looking . . . )
4. I have 3 beautiful kiddos - two boys and a girl.
What got you started crafting?
My little girl has beautiful (but crazy!) curly hair. I like unique things for her and could never find what I wanted in the stores nearby. In the meantime, I was put on complete bed-rest with our 3rd baby and was bored. out. of. my. mind (besides being a mommy from the couch, of course!). So, I had my husband hit a few craft stores (what a sport!) and ordered some supplies online and started making my own hair accessories for her and me (if I'm on the couch huge and pregnant, might as well have cute hair). :) A few friends then asked me to make them some . . . and the rest is history!
What is your source of inspiration?
I almost always have my little girl in mind when creating headbands and clips for little ones. I also get a ton of inspiration from just life - I see a color scheme I love, a fun outfit . . . and more times than not, I'm imagining the style in headband-form. :)
What have you made recently?
Lately, I have been using a lot of chiffon and various materials to create accessories that are hip and trendy with just a touch of vintage feel. I love so many styles and looks and love to meld them in my designs instead of just choosing one particular style in each piece. One of my favorite accessories I created recently is my "vintage-inspired ivory, gray & pink lace headband" and I just love it so much. It is classy, chic and fabulous!
Where do you sell your crafts presently?
I mainly sell my products in my Etsy shop and through my Facebook page.
Why are handmade crafts important to you?
There is nothing like a handmade item. When I know an item is handmade, I know that the crafter put their time, energy and heart into making the product. Of course every single item won't be the same, but that's exactly what makes it unique and fabulous! I love for my customer to know that I personally picked out high-quality materials and took time to put it together in a quality way.
Find Me
LocationChicago, IL
Email Address
Krystin Schambach
Personal Website
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